The Texas Constitution and The Principle of Limited Government

Texas History Conservatism and Contemporary Texas The Texas Constitution and the Principle of Limited Government
Students learn how the Texas Constitution reflects the principles of limited government. They also compare and contrast the principles and concepts of the Texas Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. Then they analyze one of the rights guaranteed in the Texas Constitution.

This learning experience is designed for device-enabled classrooms. The teacher guides the lesson, and students use embedded resources, social media skills, and critical thinking skills to actively participate. To get access to a free version of the complete lesson, sign up for an exploros account.

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In this experience, students learn how the Texas Constitution reflects the principles of limited government. They also compare and contrast the principles and concepts of the Texas Constitution and the U.S. Constitution. Then they analyze one of the rights guaranteed in the Texas Constitution.

Students were introduced to the Texas Constitution in the experience Political Effects of Reconstruction in Texas, which focused on the Bill of Rights and a brief comparison to the U.S. Constitution. This experience takes a deeper look at the Texas Constitution and its comparison to the U.S. Constitution.


  • Identify how the Texas Constitution reflects the principles of limited government.
  • Compare the Texas and U.S. Constitutions.

photo of the top of the first page

The Constitution of the United States

You may have learned about the United States Constitution when you studied American history. But did you know that Texas has a constitution, too?

The current Texas Constitution was approved in 1876 and is the fifth constitution that Texas has had as a state. It shares many of the same principles as the U.S. Constitution, but it also has some differences.


  • Identify how the Texas Constitution reflects the principles of limited government.
  • Compare the Texas and U.S. Constitutions.

What word or phrase do you think of when you hear the word “constitution”? To list multiple words, separate them with a comma like this: letter, newspaper.

Post your answer

Based on the words students post, you can give a general definition of a constitution as a statement of the basic principles and rules of a nation, a state, or a group.

When everyone is ready to continue, unlock the next scene.

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The Complete List of Learning Experiences in Texas Government Unit.
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