The Pack contains associated resources for the learning experience, typically in the form of articles and videos. There is a teacher Pack (with only teacher information) and a student Pack (which contains only student information). As a teacher, you can toggle between both to see everything.
Here are the teacher pack items for Japan and the Koreas: History and Its Influence:
In this experience, students explore a timeline of Japan. Then they learn details about the history of the Korean peninsula, particularly the division between North Korea and South Korea after World War II. Next they read more about the history of Japan and focus on Article 9 of the new constitution adopted after World War II. Finally, students consider what the world would be like if other countries had an Article 9, as well. Objectives:
Japan and the Koreas have an ancient history that extends back long before history was being recorded. They also feature in important news today. In this experience you will learn more about the history of these countries so that you have a better sense of where they have come from and how they are important today.
Ancient Japanese Warriors
To begin to get a sense of the history of Japan and the Korean peninsula, look at the Timeline of Events in Japan. Use the timeline to answer the following questions.
What was the United States’ initial interest in Japan in the 1850s?
Who controlled the Korean peninsula in 1910?
Why did Japan surrender in 1945 to help end World War II?
The timeline you looked at is very brief. What additional questions do you have?
Discuss students’ questions and answer those that you can. Explain that they will explore more history in the coming scenes.
When everyone is ready to continue, unlock the next scene.